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Be the Super Hero of your own story as Super MEro.

Mission: Building the BEST version of YOU.


Why be someone else, when YOU can embrace your own YOUnique self? Inside YOU are special gifts and talents that only YOU have. When YOU can embrace what it is to be YOU, that is when YOU will step into the greatest version of yourself for yourself and those around you and ultimately FLY(First Love Yourself) through your life.



YOUnique ~

At Super MEro we do not believe in being different or special. Because special implies better than someone or something. In truth, no one is better than anyone. Instead, we believe every one of us is YOUnique. We also believe in the power of I AM, I CAN, and I WILL. At Super MEro, we have tools to inspire YOU and those around YOU, to choose courage over comfort and love over fear

At Super MEro, we support the United Nations Sustainable Developmental Goals to make them a global reality:

#3. Good Health & Well-Being

#4. Quality Education

#5. Gender Equality

There is no clearly defined life road map, because your path is YOUnique to YOU. We will guide you to a place within yourself where you are able to understand what it is to live your best life. A life created on your terms and your timeline. Super MEro is the fun, innovative, workable tool you have been searching for. We welcome you and look forward to guiding you to meet your best self and being able to FLY(First Love Yourself) into a life full of love, intention, and most importantly, the life you deserve.

FLY (First Love Yourself)


FLY (First Love Yourself) ~

Just a few partnerships we have…


Everyone wants to be a Super Hero right?

So why not combine the power of one, with your own super powers of Motivation, Empowerment, Resiliency, and Originality to emerge the greatest version of your YOUnique self?

It can be done.


Super MEro Intentions










At Super MEro we believe in the importance of educating our future citizens with increased emotional intelligence in order to be able to FLY (First Love Yourself). Ultimately this will improve an overall sense of wellbeing, and the ability to deal with deeper issues like anxiety, bullying, and loneliness. This will also make the United Nations SDG #3, #4, and #5 a reality.


Our SuperMEro2Day project is part of our nonprofit CKindness. This project was born to help inspire children to understand what it is to Motivate, Empower, and Renew one’s own sense of Originality and FLY(First Love Yourself.)

This project covers all ages and includes The Littles, (grades 1-3), The Middles, (grades 4-8), and now High School (grades 9-12). By the time these children reach graduation, they have the ability to enter adulthood with the necessary tools to live a life of truth, acceptance, intention, and are able to share their love of self with the world and FLY. They also have a clear concise understanding that success is limitless.

This project integrates children’s ability to view the world as evolving and moving on an inclusive level and not as finished. Along with this understanding comes the realization we are all YOUnique and there is never anything wrong with anyone or anything.

We also have a conversation platform where we will zoom your classroom or in person to spread the SuperMEro2Day message.

The donations for these projects are all done through our CKindness 501c3 nonprofit. We are always looking for volunteers and building community engagement.

We are grateful for your support and encouragement!

Please reach out to let us know how we can support you.

Follow our adventures on social Media:


“EVERYTHING begins with a thought and concludes with ACTION.”